June 22, 2007

Uncensored & Alarm'd

I know I was not going to put up a post everyday, but it is my blog and I will do what I want!

Today I wanted to alert people to these two new websites I read off of the WebWare RSS (Again, read my last post about this great location for new web services). The first one can turn a couple heads. One issue we all run into when posting on the internet is copyright infringement. I know most might not consider it, but we all have to rethink our ideas on copyright…I’ll leave that conversation to the law makers! But, BAYIMG is taking the issue right out of the equation. Their angle is free uncensored image hosting (of any resolution). You read that correctly, free – uncensored - image – hosting! Can you believe this, a location on the web where you can put whatever you want up? The implications are far reaching…but don’t fear, there is a removal process. When you put the image up you need to remember the removal code, you set up at upload, because that is the only way the image is coming down.

“Bayimg.com is a place where you can host all your images. We do not censor them. We believe in freedom of speech, it's of utter importance to us…We will not remove any pictures that are just immoral or in any way legal to host under Swedish law.” ~ Bayimg.com

Right on… I may need to rethink my vacation plans and see what they are doing over there in Stockholm. I had friend when I was younger (Robin) from Sweden and I remember him telling me about how liberal they are over there. I wonder what he is up to these days…Robin if you read this blog, email me or comment below!

This image is hosted by BAYIMG, from my trip to Rio. I know the removal code now, but I will conveniently forget and see how long it stays up. Ah how beautiful this can be…A world where you express yourself freely, post images you can trust will be up FOREVER. You think china has blocked this website already?

The 2nd one is for those who sleep with their computers on. How about making it into one giant alarm clock. Now you may already have a program that alarms for you…possibly wakes you to smooth sounds, a cd or some other noise of your choice. This website allows you to set an alarm (no installation required, just leave the page up) to sounds you prefer (I like the standard noise, will definitely wake me up), but now you can wake yourself up to a youtube video! Or Pandora (another great free music source) or last.fm! Basically, it gives you alternate option other than your standard clock. Then again with the invention of the computer you already had that figured out. Enjoy ALARMD!

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