February 23, 2010

I wonder…22010

And I wonder if you know
What it means to find dreams…

The growth of one’s life can be measured in multiple ways, but for the purposes of this discussion I would like to highlight one metric: DREAMS!
1 yr. ago - Background Story

When I was a kid, I had all sorts of dreams. Some of them I forgot, some of them transformed while others I grew out of. One of them was to fall in love with a person who I could share my life with…Nytimes.

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So as we begin our lives together, I am not disillusioned that there will be good and trying times ahead, but with as fast as our vows went so can life. And I in this short existence we have labeled life, I have 1 question for you…

You ever wonder what it all really mean
You wonder if you’ll ever find your dreams?
~ Kayne West, I Wonder

I have and she has a name: Christy Nixon!!!

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NOTE: The inside joke that occurred during the ceremony was about the presentation of the vows. I decided to write my vows in a note (in High School we use to pass notes to eachother, folded up in a special way). The night before the wedding, I spoke with Christy and until this moment we had not discussed any details about our vows. But tonight she told me how she originally wanted to write her vows on a note as we did in high school, but decided to do it differently on the day of. What is interesting, she called me only 15 minutes after I shared the details of my plan with a good friend of mine. Who I used at the wedding as my witness to this idea not being STOLEN!

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