November 5, 2008

The Day After...

I am not turning this into a political site, but what happened last night was historic. We are going through a transition that is desperately needed. America has shown to the world to be that leader we once were...looking beyond the color of one's skin to elect the best man for the job. Again I want to iterate I am not delusional of the racial issues that exist WORLD WIDE, but I am talking about being that leader to elicit that change. It will not happen over night, but I would like to see as giant a step in terms of progress as I saw last night. Obama needed our help, well this is that foot in the door! Obama has placed his Blueprint of Change (PDF) up and I must say if he get accomplished what he has put forth, we will be undoubtedly a leader/force for good on this planet. I especially love his plans for technology (link).

The following videos are one's I would like to point your direction towards. The 1st is Bush's thoughts on Obama's Victory, no applause...this man has left Obama with nothing but the people to work with.

This 2nd one is of Mccain's concession speech which I must say showed me who Mccain really was. He, in my mind, is not Bush and truly believed all his actions would be best for the nation he wanted to form, it just wasn't a nation we as the American people wanted. I tip my hat to this man, especially when he calmed his own crowd when they booed Obama. McCain if nothing else is devoted to America, respects the chain of command and knows when he has lost. No loss is shameful when being honorable.

This 3rd one is of an alarming situation development where Russia Warns of New Missile Deployment. Obama hasn't taken office officially, but he needs to start today, which he has (link)!

But Obama has more than just the military might of America behind him...he has the American people and the world's support (evidence via the world watching who the leader of America was going to be last night). Take your moment, well deserved...

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